Sunday, December 4, 2011

anger management

i used to be very short tempered when i was younger; but now i am quite successful in controlling my anger. it is very important to control your anger, before it controls you. getting angry is a very natural and healthy emotion, but when it is over powered it turns into a dangerous and destructive force. so what can be done to control it?
these are few techniques which i found useful,
1. when you really get angry on some thing or some one, take few deep breaths (real deep, you should start breathing from your abdomen).
2. keep saying a relaxing word to yourself (like; its OK, relax, cool it, alizwell etc.)
3. picture a beautiful scenery or a relaxing moment from your memory.
another option would be to avoid such situations, but most of the time it becomes unavoidable in today's busy world.
have you ever looked in the mirror when you are at the top of your anger? try it next time.. and picture that face of yours each time you feel angry... that could be a game changer for many.
suppressing your anger is not a good option, as it might lead to psychological disorders like hypertension or depression.
so get angry, get mad, get craazy... but control it, take the flow in a different channel and find out how peaceful your life can turn into.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

jealousy management

i used to think, i am not the one who will get jealous.. but lately i found myself feeling jealous... of course i don't want to share the instance here... i believe that it's humane to feel jealous. but the intensity ranges from person to person. i have seen people getting jealous for silly reasons or things, people even appreciate others out of jealousy. i found ladies to be more jealous than gents, or may be because ladies let their emotions out, and gents does that very rarely and the latter can be dangerous. how important it is to manage our jealousy ? jealousy is inversely proportional to productivity or performance.. and it's inversely proportional to joy, happiness and creativity.. still why do we need this.. but it comes without an invite. we can manage it, by making it an un welcomed guest. let it come but deviate your flow of thought to something else quickly, so that the guest feels bad and leaves. to feel jealous is OK but to stay jealous is NOT OK...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

waist management

belly watching is more interesting than bird watching to me. the diversity in style and shape of bellies amazes me. some are flat like drum, some has peaks which moves to left or right following the rhythm of walk, some are seamlessly round, and some swings out of the belt and the shirt cradles them.
waist management is a very easy task given the millions of options to follow... but we don't like easy life.. we are tough.. after all it's the result of our years' hard work.
it all depends on how much we love our 'tummy' . most of us don't love 'em , but we love to crib on them, hence it's difficult to abandon.
how boring it would've been if everybody had a flat tummy...
here the term waist management turns out to be 'managing your waist as it is' .